eile EPX 300

eile EPX 300

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Two-Component, Adherence Augmenter and Corrosion Preventing Epoxy Resin Based Mortar


eile EPX 300 is an epoxy resin based material with two-component, liquid, solvent-free which prevents reinforcement to corrode and augments adherence between old and new concrete or is used to bond two different materials.

Areas of Usage

• In places which caution to be taken against corrosion,

• To augment adherence of old concrete to new concrete,

• To adhere materials such as concrete, steel and iron to each other.

Features of Product

• It is easy to apply.

• It can be applied with a brush or roller,

• It protects reinforcement from moisture and prevents corrosion.

• It protects reinforcement against wear and corrosion.

• It provides perfect adherence between two concretes.

• It is solvent free.

Pomex Brüt Beton Harcıepx 201